About Me

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This is what i choose to write.


I'm sure most of the people who viewed this blog will disappointed with the lack of post. Yeah now im thinking of deactiving my Facebook tp mcm semangat la pulak ye dak?

Ok life ain't easy with Spm Trial is on its way and I am not ready yet! Even close to it. Mampos. This is a very big time for me bcs I would! Claim! Something! From! My! Mother! i! Would!

Calm yourself up sister. -_________-"

Umm I will. I need a transport. Please.

I feel sorry for Lenna cs she's the one who angkut me everywhere thats why i have to do well in Trial OR Pre-Trial pun jadi lah! If i get 5A's pun dah ok dah kot T_T
Pre Trial : 12/08/2011
Spm Trial : 07/09/2011
SPM : 07/11/2011

Ahhhh Seemmppuutttt......

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